Performing Space is a project that aims to highlight the importance of the corporeality and physicality of space and the interaction of our bodies and their actions with it as the only possibility for human life and development.
Since 2022, Performing Space has been organising an annual international conference and workshop to coherently present and promote numerous studies and works on performance and space from different disciplines, while experimenting with performance in significant spaces in the history of the development of the built environment.
On 3, 4, 5 and 6 July 2024, the third edition of the Performing Space 2024, Conference and Workshops will take place at the Park Hotel, Nafplio (Greece). Researchers, students, artists and professionals will present their work at this exceptional event, which will also include three different workshops and various performative events.
The language of the conference and workshops will be English.
Attendance to the conference and the presentation of the results of the workshops will be free of charge.
Previous publications:
Performing Space 2022 (download here)
Performing Space 2023 (download here)
For more information:
Dr Pablo Berzal Cruz. University of the Peloponnese
Executive Committee
Dr Maria Mikedaki. University of the Peloponnese
Dr Athena Stourna. University of the Peloponnese
Dr Christina Zoniou. University of the Peloponnese
Scientific Committee
Honorary Member: Prof Dorita Hannah. University of Newcastle, Australia
Chair: Dr Athena Stourna. University of the Peloponnese
PhD(c) Alba Balmaseda Domínguez. Università degli Studi di RomaTre
Dr Pablo Berzal Cruz. University of the Peloponnese
Dr Gina Giotaki. University of the Peloponnese
Dr Tyrone Grima. Malta College for Arts, Science and Technology
Dr Philip Hager. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Dr Giorgos Kondis. University of the Peloponnese
Dr Maria Mikedaki. University of the Peloponnese
Dr Andrea Moneta. Nottingham Trent University
Dr Alberto Morell Sixto. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Dr Eftichios Pirovolakis. University of the Peloponnese
Dr Bill Psarras. University of the Peloponnese
Dr Christina Zoniou. University of the Peloponnese
Organising Committee
PhD(c) Alba Balmaseda Domínguez. Università degli Studi di RomaTre
Dr Gina Giotaki. University of the Peloponnese
Dr Tyrone Grima. Malta College for Arts, Science and Technology
Dr Philip Hager. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Dr Giorgos Kondis. University of the Peloponnese
Dr Andrea Moneta. Nottingham Trent University
Dr Alberto Morell Sixto. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Dr Bill Psarras. University of the Peloponnese
Workshop leaders
Dr Gina Giotaki. University of the Peloponnese
Prof Dorita Hannah. University of Newcastle, Australia
Prof Alberto Morell Sixto. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Dr KIMVI Nguyen. Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Dr Adonis Volanakis. University of Patras
Workshop assistants
Vangelis Avraam. University of the Peloponnese
Stella Sofokleus
PhD (C) Sujoy Ganguly. University of the Peloponnese
George Pramaggioulis. University of the Peloponnese
Stefanos Pothos. University of the Peloponnese
Spyros Poulos. University of the Peloponnese
Sofia Tzanetou
Eirini Zgouri. University of the Peloponnese
Performing Space 2024 Programme
The full programme with abstracts is available for download here
Wednesday, 3 July
9:00 Registration
9:15 Welcome address
First Session. Spatial Performativity
Chair: PhD(C) Alba Balmaseda Domínguez
9:30 Dr Dragana Konstantinović. Architecture Plays! Spatial Narratives in Architectural Documentary.
9:38 Gosia Miernik. The Spatial Performativity: Unveiling the Dialogue Between Space and Human Experience Through Embodied Imagery.
9:46 Dr Miljana Zeković. The Liminal Revival: Towards the Non-extractive Spatial Practice.
9:54 Dr María del Pilar Pastor Altaba. It’s not Just Another Pile of Old Stones.
10:04 PhD(C) Damaskini Bogri. Medical Performance in the Asklepieion of Epidaurus.
10:12 Discussion
10:22 Coffee break
Second Session. Performative Space
Chair: Dr Athena Stourna
10:40 Prof Dorita Hannah. Towards a Theory of Performative Spacing.
10:55 Dr Tyrone Grima. Performative Spaces and Queerness in Malta: 1973-1990.
11:10 Dr Kathrine Sandys. Margins, Edges, Borders and Botany.
11:25 Andreas Skourtis. Performing Architectures: Space as Protagonist in Performance Design and Embodied Scenographies – Methods and Practices.
11:40 Prof Olav Harsløf. The Body in the Theatre - The Body on the Operating Table. Super Hospital With Performative Entertainment.
11:55 Discussion
12: 15 Break
Third Session. Spatial Embodiment
Chair: Dr Pablo Berzal Cruz
12:25 Dr Maria Konomi. Performing Objects in Public Space: Material Agencies and Performance Pedagogies.
12:40 Dr Adonis Volanakis. A Space for Prophecies.
12:55 Dr Rafik Patel. Circumambulating the Kaaba: Drawing the Space of the Heart.
13:10 PhD(C) Niya B. Emplacement, Myth, and the Performing Body: Exploring Trans Ecologies in the North-East Peloponnese.
13:25 Dr Gina Giotaki. Embodying the Site: Architectural Structure, Tridimensionality and Soundscape.
13:40 Discussion
14:00 Lunch
16:00 – 20:00 Workshops
Dr Adonis Volanakis. The Body Image Workshop
Prof Dorita Hannah. Mediterranean Spacing Workshop
Prof Alberto Morell, Dr KIMVI Nguyen and Dr Gina Giotaki. Space-Consciousness Workshop
21:00 Opening party
Opening Ceremony. Performance by KIMVI Nguyen
Thursday, 4 July
Fourth Session. On the Collective
Chair: Dr Philip Hager
9:00 PhD(C) Howl Yuan. Artists Home Swap: A Practical Examination of Artist Residency as an Embodied Space for Cultural Exchange.
9:08 Dr Andrés Garcés Alzamor & Ingrid Skåland Lia.Kinesis: Intangible Geometry Between Body and Place.
9:16 Dr Prokopios Orfanos.Performance, Social Space and Hospitality: Sociological Investigation of Participatory Art.
9:24 Dr Christina Vasileiou. Spaces of Care: Exploring the Performance of Caring as a Teacher With a Doll’s House.
9:32 Discussion
9:40 Break
Fifth Session. Memory and Belonging
Chair: Dr Bill Psarras
9:48 Eleni Tsantali, Dr Sofia Almpani & PhD(C) Georgia-Konstantina Atzampou. Exploring Collective Memory and Trauma Through a Site-Specific Performance at Lazaretta.
9:56 Dr Eftihia Mihelakis & Dr Lucille Toth. Performing DNA Spacing:Technopoiesi, Posthumanist Feminism, and Dissonant Genealogies.
10:04 Zoe Drakopoulou. "As strangers". From the Collective to the Personal. Awaking Memory and Trauma in the Streets of Kalamata.
10:12 PhD(C) Frida Robles Ponce. Buhlebezwe Siwani: Sangoma Practices Towards the African Land.
10:20 Discussion
10:28 Coffee break
Sixth Session. Regular. Liminal Territories
Chair: Dr Maria Mikedaki
10:40 Dr Dimitri Szuter & Rennie Tang. Exploring Performative Liminality.
10:55 Dr Eirini Koumparouli. Approaching Threshold Spatialities: The Example of the Theatrical Workshop “I Want to Fly” of Eleonas Refugee Camp.
11:10 PhD(C) Lucy Petchell. Becoming a City-Body: Embodying Space in Urban Environments.
11:25 Dr Bill Psarras. Performing Between Terra and Aqua: Reflections on Edge, Boundaries and Drifting.
11:40 Dr Gretel Taylor. Revealing and Reckoning: Curating Place-Responsive Performance on Country.
11:55 Discussion
12:15 Break
Seventh Session. The Politics of Space
Chair: Dr Gina Giotaki
12:25 Dr Tony McCaffrey. Renegotiating Theatrical Space Through Learning Disabled Theatre.
12:40 Dr Philip Hager. Performing Dissent in the Streets of Globalisation: The Right to the City.
12:55 Dr Marta Ostajewska. Indigenous Artistic Collectives as a Radical Place of Resistance (R.I.S.E, Winter Count, Postcommodity and yəhaw̓).
13:10 Dr Ece Canlı.Captive Performativities: Art and Body in the Carceral Context.
13:25 Prof Jon McKenzie. DASEIN DESIGN. Platform Performativity and Making Cures.
13:40 Discussion
14:00 Lunch break
16:00 – 20:00 Workshops
Prof Dorita Hannah. Mediterranean Spacing Workshop
Prof Alberto Morell, Dr KIMVI Nguyen and Dr Gina Giotaki. Space-Consciousness Workshop
22:00 “Drinks Meeting” (Not included in the registration fee)
Friday, 5 July
Eighth Session. Women's Space
Chair: PhD (C) Alba Balmaseda Domínguez
9:00 PhD(C) D’Arcy Newberry-Dupé. Hosting: Home Truths
9:08 Dr Ufuk Soyöz & PhD(C) Aycan Kızılkaya. Bathing in the Ghost Hamam of Napflio: Remembering Greece’s Ottoman Heritage.
9:16 Hanadi Al-Samman. Inscribing Muslim Women’s Body Spaces.
9:24 Discussion
9:32 Break
Nineth Session. Walking in the City
Chair: Prof Alberto Morell Sixto
9:40 Dr Višnja Žugić. Co-Performing City: An Urban-Topographic Rotation as an Act of Reclaiming Public Spaces.
9:48 Irini Kalogeropoulou. Cityphonic Walks: Unveiling the Sonic Performativity of Everyday Life in the Urban Landscape.
9:56 Katerina Kataki.Familiarizing the City.
10:04 PhD(C) Daniel Dilliplane. Walking Tour Performance as Reparative History: Aya Shabu’s Black Wall Street of Durham, NC.
10:12 Discussion
10:20 Coffee break
Tenth Session. Performing the Stage and the Environment
Chair: Dr Christina Zoniou
10:40 Dr Andrea Moneta & Dr Maurizio Crocco. Performing Architecture: Realising Sustainable Environments Through the Hybridisation of Theatre and Architecture Practice.
10:55 Dr Rafaël Magrou. Moving Spectators in Performing Spaces: The Auditorium Dislocated Into the Stage, or Vice Versa.
11:10 Aristotelis Kaleris. In Search of Lost Landscapes: Mt. Agchesmos in Athens and the Shift from Performative Perception to Official Cartography.
11:25 PhD(C) Alessandro Di Egidio. The Enabling Conditions: The Emergence of Performance From the Halprin Fountain to the Bridges of Venice.
11:40 PhD(C) Manuela Ciangola. Space as Event. From Lina Bo Bardi’s Oficina Theatre to Giancarlo Mazzanti’s Santa Fé Hospital.
11:55 Discussion
12:15 Break
Eleventh Session. Performing Architecture
Chair: Prof Dorita Hannah
12:25 Dr Stavros Alifragkis & Dr Kalliopi Chourmouziadou. Pavillon Relancé: Re-Tracing Leisure Modalities – Inhabiting the Archive.
12:40 Dr Rodrigo Tisi. Rethinking Performance and Space: A Seven-Factor Methodology to Design Alternative Worlds.
12:55 Dr José Vela Castillo, PhD(C) Óscar Valero Sáez, Elena Pérez Garrigues & Juan Cabello Arribas . Performative Spaces of the Quotidian.
13:10 PhD(C) Alba Balmaseda Domínguez. Performing Water. Bathing in Public Space.
13:25 Dr Pablo Berzal Cruz. Architects Do it Better, or They Should. Understanding the Environment Through Performance.
13:40 Discussion
14:00 Lunch break
16:00 – 20:00 Workshops
Dorita Hannah. Mediterranean Spacing Workshop
Alberto Morell, KIMVI Nguyen and Gina Giotaki. Space-Consciousness Workshop
20:00 Epidaurus Festival (Not included in the registration fee)
Saturday, 6 July
Twelfth Session. Activating the Senses
Chair: Dr Tyrone Grima
9:00 PhD(C) Türküler Topal. Another Stage is Possible: Theatre Venues Outside the Theatre Buildings.
9:08 PhD(C) Ioanna Markela Chalkia. Phycology of Visual Perception: Exploring How Theatrical Space Influences Emotion and Perception. The Dual Role of the Ancient Theatre of Pleuron.
9:16 Sofia Alexiadou. Light as Invisible Architecture: The Case of Ritsos’ Moon Sonata at the Athens Festival.
9:24 Ermina Apostolaki. Singing, Space, Focus: Live Singing as a Concentration Tool and a Definition Factor for Spatial Conditions in Site-Based Performances.
9:32 Katarzhina Zakharova. Scenography and Common Concerns of Humankind: Performance Design as a Source of Implicating the Audience.
9:40 Discussion
9:50 Break
Thirteenth Session. Site-Specific
Chair: Dr Athena Stourna
9:58 Dr Despina Zacharopoulou. Re-thinking site-specificity via long durational performance art.
10:06 PhD(C) Camille Tolila Mercier. Theatre Site Specific and Sociology of Chicago.
10:14 PhD(C) Ilias Sapountzakis. Theatre of Dionysus: A Performance and Reflexive Space.
10:22 Dr Eleni Gkini & Areti Petropoulou. Literature as the Occasion and Content of Site-Specific Performance.
10:30 Mat Diafos Sweeney & Sebastian Peters-Lazaro. Four Larks’ Katabasis: Imagining Ancient Mystery Rites as Promenade Opera in Los Angeles.
10:38 PhD(C) Cristiana Minasi. Embodiment of Landscape.
10:46 Discussion
10:54 Coffee break
Fourteenth Session. Reflections on Performance Space
Chair: Dr Christina Zoniou
11:05 PhD(C) Stella Christofi. Enacting Image (Denkraum) by the Wind: Movement Depicted in Mavroidis’ Landscapes, Fassianos’ Figure and Gyparakis’ Breath Installation.
11:20 PhD(C) Mark Turner. Directing Tempest Masque: Orchestrating the Classical and the Carnivalesque Chorus in Shakespeare’s The Tempest.
11:35 PhD(C) Attila Antal. Corporeality of Space vs. Spatiality of Bodies: Site-Specific Dance on Film.
11:50 Prof Liviu Dospinescu. Spatial Settings and their Performative Function: Enhancing the Spectator’s Experience.
12:05 Discussion
12:20 Break
Fifteenth Session. Cyberspace
Chair: Dr Andrea Moneta
12:30 Dr Katerina El Raheb, Dr Anastasios Theodoropoulos & Panagiotis Papadopoulos.Extending the Performing Space Through Virtual Reality.
12:45 Dr Miral Mahgoub al-Tahawy. Anonymity in Virtual Space: Exploring the Representation of Female Body Through Virtual Identities in Contemporary Saudi Women’s Writing.
13:00 Dr Elina Roinioti. Let’s Get Phygital? Playformance and Spatiality.
13:15 PhD(C) Khairul Kamsani. Embodied Cybernetic Actor Training.
13:30 Dr Emmanouela Vogiatzaki Krukowski. Cyborgism as a Method of Transforming the Body Into a Performing Space: Actions, Interactions and Interpretations Discussion
13:45 Discussion
14:00 Conclusion
14:15 Lunch break
16:00 – 20:00 Workshops
Dorita Hannah. Mediterranean Spacing Workshop
Alberto Morell, KIMVI Nguyen and Gina Giotaki. Space-Consciousness Workshop
21:00 Closing party
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